What are Hitboxes?

Hitboxes are the part of the player model that is collidable. That means you can hit them, push blocks into them, etc. Players have two main hitboxes to deal with, one for feet, and one for head. Zombies, skeletons, creepers, other mobs have additional hitboxes as well depending on their body structure. The majority of mobs do not require their hitbox to be enabled in order to suffocate. However, if a mob’s head does not have its hitbox enabled it will be totally immune to suffocation damage. When a mob has their feet or legs disabled they won’t take any fall damage but cannot move around normally either way (see zombie).

Playing Minecraft

When you play Minecraft (online, not in Creative mode), all the entities (such as players, mobs, armor stands) are invisible; however, they still exist and can interact with other entities. This is done by “hitting” or “touching” one entity with another.

Shapes of hitboxes

Every entity has a shape that consists of up to 18 rectangular sections. These sections are called hitboxes. Some hitboxes contain just one point while others may have two points very close together. Each section contains four coordinates.

  1. Top left x
  2. Top left y
  3. Bottom right x
  4. Bottom right y

Which define where the section is located (relative to the entity’s origin). So each section’s location can be defined using these four numbers. Hitboxes are important because they are the only things that interact with other entities.

Important notice

  • An entity’s origin is defined as an invisible point directly behind it, which cannot be seen through.
  • The origin does not correspond to any specific part of the entity (such as its feet or head), but rather is always behind it and slightly above the surface on which it stands.
  • Different hitboxes can collide with each other without overlapping each other, while others may overlap. If two hitboxes intersect, then their corresponding entities will be able to see and thus interact with each other.

How to turn on hitboxes in Minecraft?

Minecraft saves your game by periodically saving all of the information surrounding what each block is doing (i.e., whether it’s moving up and down, left and right, or staying still). Minecraft saves this information for you, but doesn’t display it on-screen; therefore, if some entity bumps into a block, you will not see this reflected on your screen.


Go to “Options” (in the main menu) –> click on “Video Settings” –> scroll down until you see the box next to “Show Entity Collision Boxes”. Click this box so that there is a blue check mark inside of it.

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What happen if you turn off hitbox?

Turning the hitboxes off will allow you to walk through blocks and entities; thus, turning hitboxes off while playing in Multiplayer mode may be dangerous as it could allow other players’ invisible entities (and possibly even your own!) to glitch through blocks and become inaccessible.

Hitboxes are not turned on by default in Minecraft. To turn them on in a specific world, players must start a game in that world and then press F9 to open the debug screen. At the top of this screen is a switch labeled “Render > Crop hitboxes.” This needs to be flipped from OFF(white) to ON(green). As with most settings, it can only be changed when the player isn’t holding anything or wearing armor.

Change in setting

Players can also change their setting globally for all worlds they have created. In order to do so, players will need to go into their ‘Minecraft/config’ file and open ‘creative mode’. There should be a line already in there that says, “Rendering”, “FALSE” Change this to ‘TRUE’ in order to have hitboxes be enabled in all worlds.

Once players have made these changes, they should save and exit. After they have returned to the game, hitboxes will be on. The process for enabling hitboxes is slightly different depending on which edition of Minecraft players are playing:

  • For Java Edition: Open up options and go to controls. Here, enable the option called ‘Hitbox’.
  • For Bedrock Edition: Hitboxes can be turned on by going to settings and controls, then turn on ‘Hitbox’, as with Java Edition.

The hitboxes are only visible to the players looking at the entity. Other players will not see them unless they look at that entity too or take damage from it in some way.

Disabling/Enabling Hitboxes

Hitbox manipulation is done by enabling and disabling their hitbox. To enable/disable the head hitbox all you have to do is type /hitbox set-head true or false. If you specify either true or false then that means your entire player will be affected regardless of how many lappets you have equipped.

To work with each leg individually, simply put something like /hitbox setlegleft true or false after the main command (“true” meaning enabled, “false” meaning disabled). This is very useful for servers with players using different amount of legs. Also note that if none of your legs are enabled then neither are your arms. Everything related to the body is enabled/disabled at once.

Hitbox flags

Certain hitbox flags can be added to your character by adding lappets. The head parts available vary with each player that joins the server, however if you have the same number of legs then all your legs will have matching hitboxes. For example, if you spawn in with 2 legged players, they will all have leg0_hitbox enabled when their head is also enabled (meaning you must do /set-head true). However, when hosting an 8-legger server and /set-head false /leg0_hitbox false , or having multiple people on at once who are playing 4-legged characters everything will function normally without making modifications to their hitboxes.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it easy to turn on hitbox?

Yes, it is easy and simple to turn on and off the hitbox.

  • Which key is used to turn on the hitbox?

Use F3+B on your keyboard and simply turn on the hitbox.